Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Getting Started

Everyone asks me how I got started in doing all this crazy stuff. As I mention in my profile, it started when I got two new very energetic dogs. They needed walking...and so did i, apparantly. I noticed how my whole body tingled from a brisk walk. I really felt alive! My chow-mix really wanted to run. So we ran, then stopped to sniff a tuft of grass, then we ran, then stopped to sniff a mailbox...and on it went. Til I decided I didn't want to stop. It was at this time that my good buddy Tyson (a life long athlete) gave me a book called The Complete Book of Running by Amby Burfoot. I couldn't put it down! It had an ease-into-running plan in it. It started with running for a minute and walking for several and doing that cycle for 30 mins. Eventually, in 10 weeks, one runs non-stop for 30 mins! Pretty cool and EASY! Eight weeks after starting that plan Tyson said, "You need to sign up for a race!" I freaked out. A race! Meeee??? No Way!!! I'll come in last or I won't be able to finish!!! He was confident I could do it (though he hadn't seen me run or anything!), so I faced my fear and ran/walked the Holly Hills Jack-o-Lantern Jog. I DIDN'T come in last! I was probably 20th from last. But it was eye opening for me! I could actually cross the finish line! What an awesome feeling that was! I was also shocked that really great athletes were red-faced and sweaty at the end! I thought it would be sooo easy for them. That was cool! I've done tons of foot races since then, and they have all been great fun! One of the most fun was the Spirit of St. Louis Half Marathon which I did 8 months after starting to run. I've done two half marathons, so far. If I can do this, so can anyone!


Blogger AWhiteStripe said...

Ahoy and good tidings to you, good morrow, and all that jazz. Very nice bloggy profile thingy. Mine's not half as good...probably partially because I created it approximately 5-10 seconds ago. Ah, well. That's life.

4:39 PM  
Blogger crazee4sports said...

Thanks for the comment. I'm sure yours is good too!

4:40 PM  
Blogger Jeffrey said...

KK Your blog rocks! You are really getting the hang of this whole blogging thing. I can't wait to see more. I do have to tell you that the day after I posted about your new blog, my wife pulled up my blog at work to show her friends pictures of our girls. Her comment was, "Why do you have a photo of a hot woman on your web site."

6:54 PM  

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