Friday, March 31, 2006

To do or not to do? That is the question

I am considering signing up for an all-women sprint distance triathlon in the Kansas City area in August. The only thing I'm worried about is that the swim is in a LAKE! Yes, I know I said I really love swimming...and i a 3' pool!!! Other than that, it's a pretty short distance and I could visit my Kansas City area friends at the same time. But the Lake thing really freaks me out. It's a 500 yd swim...piece of cake in a pool. Please give me your opinion about lake swimming!
Here's the link to the triathlon. Rose Brooks Triathlon for Women


Blogger Jeffrey said...

My grandparents live on a lake in Loveland, CO and I have swum in that from an early age. It is a man made lake and only about 20 feet at the deepest point. So just because it is a lake does not make it deep enough to hold a relative of the Loch Ness monster. Quit making excuses (leave excuse making to us trained professionals) and go do the race.

By the way, I am a horrible swimmer and that never stopped me from swimming in the lake. Of course it was usually only to get back to the water skis, but it was a form of swimming.


1:59 PM  

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