Monday, May 01, 2006

Six days til Race For Sight

Well, it's taper week. So I'm taking a couple of rest days, and doing light workouts this week. I was klutzy over the weekend, when I walked into the metal frame of my bed and bruised one of my toes. It's not broken, so I think it will be ok by Sunday. I don't run til Thursday, so I will test out my toe then. Today, I'm resting. Tomorrow is a swim workout. Wednesday, bike, Thurs, run, Friday swim, Saturday rest. I'll be travelling Saturday, and there is a gear swap at my hotel on Saturday that should be cool...and maybe I can score some inexpensive used gear! As I have said before, this sport is not for the faint of wallet. ;)
Race starts early on Sunday. However, we get in the water one at a time starting with the fastest swimmers. That means I will be well towards the back of a 500+ person line. I'm hoping all those people warm up the pool, cuz it's a cold one. heh heh.
I haven't practiced my transitions yet. I will do that tonight. :)


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