Mountain Biking Adventure
It's strange to be my age and discovering so many new things! Today I went mountain biking for the first time!! I had a blast! I went with my friend who is a skilled mt biker to the Lost Valley biking/hiking trail in St. Charles County. I have always thought that mountain biking sure looked like a lot of fun, but wasn't sure if I would be able to do it. Well, it is a TON of fun, and a great workout to boot! (I had an hour bike workout on my training plan for today, but the trail took us a lot longer.) I hopped off the bike several times to run it up steep rocky I got a little running in too today! My friend rode up all the hills without even breaking a sweat. We found some guys riding the trail who had done it many times, so they were able to guide us in the right direction. We did take one wrong turn onto a closed part of the trail that was really kicking my butt...that was before we met the other guys. Going down hills was the best! What an adrenaline rush! I highly recommend mountain biking for a fun kind of exercise!
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