Wrist help
I am fortunate in two ways. My new training partner, Sue, is an awesome athlete AND an awesome Occupational Therapist. She is gonna kick my butt in training for the next few months on running (she is training for the Nike Women's Marathon in Oct), biking and lifting. She said, "you are gonna hate me." That was a little scary, I must say, but I am really looking forward to seeing what I can achieve when I really buckle down and train seriously. The second great thing is she is teaching me how to do all the ADL's that I mentioned not being able to do in an earlier post. I am happy to announce that I can now easily open water bottles and turn the gas cap. She is turning me into a leftie...(using my left hand for everything hadn't occurred to me). Turns out my left hand isn't as dumb as I had thought. :)
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