Friday, April 13, 2007

Note on Frostbite Series

If you read my blog a few posts back, I mentioned possibly doing some longer races at the end of the Frostbite. I really hadn't been able to train for long distance, but my so-called friends :) talked me into doing the 12K (9miles) race on Feb 10th. They said, "oh c'mon! Do the race with us!!!" I said, "no, i haven't trained for that." They continued to whine til I agreed. Note the language they used..."with us." There was no "with us". To be honest, Herb ran with me for the first mile or so, then I told him to go on. I wanted to take a bunch of one minute walk breaks, so that I could make it 9 miles! So i went on alone. Took me forever...or it felt like forever. I thought all my "friends" would be at the finish line (at least!) to cheer me in, after cajoling me to do this. NOPE! I crossed the finish line...nobody. I found them chit chatting and hee hawing in the Visitor Center. After i expressed my displeasure with them, and told them what rotten friends they were, they said they WOULD have been at the finish, but Ty thought it would take me a lot longer! HUMPH! After i gave them all 10 lashes with a wet noodle, we all went to breakfast. :)

Long time No Blog!

Hello friends! Wow, i have really slacked off on the blogging! I've been keeping fit over the off-season with weight training, spinning class and running. I did the Frostbite Series and the Snowball Series and they proved to be true to their names. The coldest one was 9 degrees! brr! I don't think i warmed up for 2 miles and my legs stayed cold the entire time. I ended up with sore quads from that one. (I rarely get sore muscles in my legs) I ended up winning 5th place in the Frostbite Series in my age group. Pretty cool. :)
I had an awesome 5 pupil swim class with swim guru extraordinaire, Hap Gentry! He was able to videotape us under water, and give us individual feedback. I am doing 5 things wrong with my stroke, hahaha, but he said I wasn't too bad! I recommend this class for anyone to improve his or her swimming!
Now it's time for triathlon season to begin! I warmed up for the season by doing the Spring Fling duathlon in Columbia, Mo on March 24th. It was a short, fun race. 1M run, 7M bike, 1M run. (See pic of Brian Topash, Tony Rigdon, and Ted Zderic. They did a 3 man shoot out. It was inspiring to watch these very gifted athletes. Ted won.) I still like triathlon better than duathlon, cuz my legs don't wanna run twice. Regardless, I am signed up to do another duathlon April 21st, in Columbia. Max Trax was my first multisport event last year and I smiled all the way through it. I hope I have even more fun this year. I have made lots of new friends in multisport, so it should be a blast.

Here's the rest of my schedule for this season:
April 21: UltraMax Max Trax Duathlon, Columbia
May 6: Race For Sight Triathlon, Columbia
June 17: St. Peters Spring Rec Plex Triathlon, St. Peters
July 8: South County Triathlon, St. Louis
July 15: Ballwin Triathlon, Ballwin
Aug: Alligator's Creek (if i'm crazee enuf to do that again!), O'Fallon, MO
Sept 16: USAT Club National Championships, Innsbrook
Oct: St. Peters Fall Rec Plex Triathlon, St. Peters

I plan to stay in ONE PIECE all the way through the season this year!!

This Sunday, I am running the Spirit of St. Louis Marathon Relay, 3rd leg. Wish me luck!