Monday, April 24, 2006
Well, I did it! I got through my first multisport event! And i didn't do too shabby! I finished a respectable 4th in my age group, at a time of 1:07. I met new people and had a lot of fun. It was easier than I expected...guess my training is paying off. Helps to have a really sweet bike too, to make the hills a breeze. The weather was beautiful and warm. Even tho I had practiced the transitions, I moved through them rather slowly, which added about 5 mins to my race time. I will definitely be practicing them over and over, and timing myself, to get them streamlined and fast. The pix below tell the rest of the story. I'm very happy to have finally gotten started with my triathlon season! It's two weeks til the Race for Sight Triathlon, and I'm sticking with my training plan, though I will be doing several 5k runs instead of the shorter runs on the that I am comfortable on the run leg. Also, after the RFS is over, I will be bumping up my runs (2 or 3 times/week) to 5 miles in preparation for the St. Peters Rec Plex Tri in June.
Friday, April 14, 2006
Bike News
I'm very happy to report that I had my clipless pedals adjusted at my friendly bike shop Maplewood Cycling. Now I can easily clip in and out. This is a huge load off my mind. I had been having no luck getting my bike shoes to clip in at all. If they were forced in, I couldn't get them undone, and we all know what happens when you can't get your feet out...falling over sideways! Now my bike feels purrrrrfecct!
Another great thing is that I got a bike trainer, so I can train inside my house, thereby avoiding cold weather, and saving gas, not having to drive to the rec center.
While at Maplewood, I picked up some triathlon duds (not dudes), so I feel pretty much ready for the duathlon next week.
Another great thing is that I got a bike trainer, so I can train inside my house, thereby avoiding cold weather, and saving gas, not having to drive to the rec center.
While at Maplewood, I picked up some triathlon duds (not dudes), so I feel pretty much ready for the duathlon next week.
What Tri looks like
This is the Ultramax sign. They put on the Race for Sight, May 7, 2006, Columbia, Missouri. I can't wait to actually be a part of that race!!!
What Tri looks like
Here is the Transition, where we leave our bikes, running shoes, helmet, and all the other stuff we need for the race. After the swim, we run in here, change into our bike shoes, put on our helmet and run the bike out to the bike mount.
After the bike leg, we run the bike back in, put it on the rack and change for the run leg.
After the bike leg, we run the bike back in, put it on the rack and change for the run leg.
What Tri looks like
Here is how we start. In a really looonggg line of people, hopping into the pool at 10 second intervals. Then we swim a length, pop under the lane divider and back the other way, til we have swum the whole pool.
swim training1
Here I am doing a race simulation at my local rec center. Everyone there is very supportive of me, and helped me get through the simulation unimpeded. I finished it in roughly one and a half hours. Form looks pretty good here. I'm down to two swim workouts a week now. One speed work, and the other, doing the full 400yds at race pace.
Tuesday, April 11, 2006
Spirit of St. Louis Marathon
Well, I'm 2 weeks out from the MaxTrax duathlon, and trying not to think about it. I hope it will be ok. I did a race simulation for it, and ran out of time, and had to stop before the second run leg. I'm 4 weeks away from the Race for Sight. Starting to get nervous!
But the reason for this post is to talk about the St. Louis Marathon/half-marathon that I didn't do this past weekend. I had decided several weeks ago to focus on triathlon training and not do the half marathon, that I was already signed up for. I did it last year, as my first half marathon and it was a blast. But I wasn't having time to do the long runs I needed to, to get ready for it this year, so I decided to wuss out.
But I went to watch. That was a mistake. I really wanted to be out there bad!!!! For one thing, the temperature was FREEEEEZING! I would have been much warmer, if not more comfy, had I been running. It was cool to see a race from the spectator's perspective for a change tho. I was able to catch a glimpse of things i wouldn't have seen in the pack. I saw the winners of the full and half go by; I saw the barefoot runner, and even a couple of zebras! I brought my bike down and rode around on the course, trying unsuccessfully to track down my friend Tyson, who was running in the half. It was fun, but freezing riding! Note to self: Buy a windproof warm jacket for cycling!!!
It was cool to see the slow people struggling up hill the last 3 miles, and remembering so clearly doing that last year. In so much pain, and walkers were going faster than me. I was "running". But having so much fun! And then remembering my family being at the finish line, even my lil bro who was in town...really surprised me. It's an awesome race, and I really hope that I can do it next year.
But this is triathlon season. Time to stop reminiscing and get back to training! I did some speed work in the pool this morning. Good workout! Feeling great with the swimming. Didn't think I'd ever be a swimmer! haha Tomorrow is a 60 min bike workout. Thursday, I run strides...hee hee...I love strides. And Friday I swim the whole 400yds for time. Saturday is a run, and Sunday is Easter and I'm resting relaxing and hanging out with family. Yay!
Oh! the best thing happened! My daughter "awhitestripe" (see comments) has decided to take up running! I'm so excited to have her along on my fun ride! I hope she falls in love with sports like i did!!!
But the reason for this post is to talk about the St. Louis Marathon/half-marathon that I didn't do this past weekend. I had decided several weeks ago to focus on triathlon training and not do the half marathon, that I was already signed up for. I did it last year, as my first half marathon and it was a blast. But I wasn't having time to do the long runs I needed to, to get ready for it this year, so I decided to wuss out.
But I went to watch. That was a mistake. I really wanted to be out there bad!!!! For one thing, the temperature was FREEEEEZING! I would have been much warmer, if not more comfy, had I been running. It was cool to see a race from the spectator's perspective for a change tho. I was able to catch a glimpse of things i wouldn't have seen in the pack. I saw the winners of the full and half go by; I saw the barefoot runner, and even a couple of zebras! I brought my bike down and rode around on the course, trying unsuccessfully to track down my friend Tyson, who was running in the half. It was fun, but freezing riding! Note to self: Buy a windproof warm jacket for cycling!!!
It was cool to see the slow people struggling up hill the last 3 miles, and remembering so clearly doing that last year. In so much pain, and walkers were going faster than me. I was "running". But having so much fun! And then remembering my family being at the finish line, even my lil bro who was in town...really surprised me. It's an awesome race, and I really hope that I can do it next year.
But this is triathlon season. Time to stop reminiscing and get back to training! I did some speed work in the pool this morning. Good workout! Feeling great with the swimming. Didn't think I'd ever be a swimmer! haha Tomorrow is a 60 min bike workout. Thursday, I run strides...hee hee...I love strides. And Friday I swim the whole 400yds for time. Saturday is a run, and Sunday is Easter and I'm resting relaxing and hanging out with family. Yay!
Oh! the best thing happened! My daughter "awhitestripe" (see comments) has decided to take up running! I'm so excited to have her along on my fun ride! I hope she falls in love with sports like i did!!!